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The establishment of Department of Financial and Tax Planning is in response to the rapid change of our society and the future need of national development. Following the economic development, great importance was attached to the management resources of public departments and experts in the field of policy analysis. Therefore, public finance management and taxation were given equal importance. The Department of Financial and Tax Planning has a distinguished tradition.  It was founded in 1979.  Fourteen full-time faculty members, including 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 3 assistant professor and 5 lecturers, provide a wide range of experience and assure individual attention to students, as well as opportunities for research and collaboration. The department currently has approximately 400 undergraduate students. The mission of the Department of Financial and Tax Planning is to train students to be competent in the field of taxation and public finance.
Chen Chang  , Assistant Professor , Chair of Dept of Financial and Tax Planning.
Required Courses
1.Courses of General Education
Chinese Literature Article
English in Everyday Life
English in Everyday Life - Listening and Speaking
English in the Workplace
English in the Workplace - Listening and Speaking
R.O.C. Constitution and National Development
General Introduction to History and Culture
Career planning and Ethic life
Life Care and Holistic Education
Social Science(C)
Health and Recreation (A)
Humanities and Arts (B)
Natural Science (D)
Physical Education
Military Education
2.Required Courses of Business and Management College
Business Software Package
3.Required Courses of the Department of Public Finance
Civil Law
Mathematics for Business
Commercial Law
Principles of Taxation
Elementary Accounting
Professional Authentication for Software Package
Taxation Regulation
Economic Analysis
Financial Market and Management
Professional Authentication for Accounting
Public Finance
Personal Financial Planning and Practice
Practice of Corporate Taxation
Practice of Individual Income Taxation
Practical Training in Taxation
Financial Management
Financial Statement Analysis
4.Selective Courses
Tax Accounting
Cost Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Principles of Real Estate Market
Principles of Real Estate Investment
Trust Law and Practice
Analysis of International Economic Situation
International Finance
Statistical Analysis
Financial Information System
Globalization and Development of Taiwan Economy
Globalization and Development of China Economy
Interpersonal Relationships and Communication skills
Customer Relationship Management
Fiscal Administration System and Practice
Stock Investment Analysis
Insurance Policy and Practice
Introduction to Taxation in Mainland China
Introduction to Taxation in Other Countries
Tax Relief
Studies of Current Topics in Taxation
Internal Control Design
Internal Auditing
Marketing of Financial Service
Asset-Backed Securities—Theory and Practice
Comparative of Tax System
Theory of Taxation
Professional Japanese
Tel: 886-2-82122388